Sales Force Automation

A set of solutions for automating the sales chain from the manufacturer (supplier) to the store shelf (distribution, SFA). Mobile solutions for pre selling, merchandising, van selling, and distribution network control.

Automation goals

  • Real-time collection of reliable information and analysis of data on the activities of distributors (branches)
  • Enhanced efficiency and quality of sales
  • Optimized warehouse stocks
  • Reduced time of collection and processing of orders
  • Enhanced control over the field personnel’s activities
  • Improved accuracy and speed of fulfillment of orders
  • Reduced merchandising time
  • Reduced costs of office jobs
  • Automatic execution of basic operations at the outlet
  • Reduced number of errors in filling out documents
  • Employment of remote operations
  • Main goal: increased sales and margin rates with concurrent significant reduction in transaction costs

Goal achievement

Software solutions and modules based on the OPTIMUM 2025 Digital Technology Platform have been implemented to automate virtually all stages of the mobile sales process from adding a potential customer to the database to remote ordering and receiving reports on all orders and shipments for this particular customer.


  • Increased efficiency of sales representatives (in practice, from 10 to 40+%)
  • Increased shelf share and improved display quality
  • Reduced arrears
  • Significant reduction in merchandising time
  • Rapid return on investments
  • Reduced expenditures on maintaining mobile personnel structure
  • Savings on consumables

Basic features

  • Planning and control of primary and secondary distributor sales
  • Management of sales representatives’ and merchandisers’ sales
  • Automated operations of supervisors “in the fields”
  • Automated operations of sales representatives
  • Integration with any ERP and CRM-systems (if required)
  • Current reporting and business analytics
  • Distance learning and staff development
  • Arrangement of a unified environment for interaction between the manufacturer and outlets
  • Audit of points of sale, advertising materials, and POSM using the OPTIMUM SkyNet Retail artificial intelligence system.